Epic Hub Scythe Simulator Mobile Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts a popular scripting and programming language.
1.Open Roblox And Start Playing 2.Click The Blue Circle To Copy The Script Code 3.Paste The Script Code Into Your Executor 4.Then Execute The Script Code 5.Enjoy
Script Code
local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlockyCoder/Epic-Hub/main/LibararyGUI"))() -- Assume you've loaded the Library script and created an instance local UI = Library:Create("[UPD] 💪 Scythe Simulator") -- Create a tab in the UI local Tab1 = UI:CreateTab("Main") local Tab2 = UI:CreateTab("Egg") -- Create a toggle switch UI:CreateToggle(Tab2, "Auto Buy Selected Egge", function(bool) getgenv().AutoEgg = bool while getgenv().AutoEgg and task.wait() do local args = { [1] = getgenv().SelectedEgg, [2] = 5, [3] = 999990 } game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").HatchPet:FireServer(unpack(args)) end end) local EGoptions = {"Egg1", "Egg2", "Egg3"} local dropdown = Library:CreateDropdown(Tab2, "Select Egg", EGoptions, function(Selected) getgenv().SelectedEgg = Selected end) local options = {"1", "10", "20", "30", "40", "50", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "1000", "2000", "3000", "4000", "5000", "10000"} local dropdown = Library:CreateDropdown(Tab1, "How much quest Pet you wanna equip", options, function(Value) DupeAmount = Value end) -- Create a button to demonstrate functionality UI:CreateButton(Tab1, "Equip Infinite Pet: quest pet", function() for i = 1, DupeAmount do game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("PetEquip"):FireServer("KrakenPet") end end) -- Create a button to demonstrate functionality UI:CreateButton(Tab1, "Allows you to equip Inf pets", function() -- Assuming you have access to game and game.Players.LocalPlayer local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- Check if PlayerData exists if player and player:FindFirstChild("PlayerData") then -- Find InventoryInfo under PlayerData local inventoryInfo = player.PlayerData:FindFirstChild("InventoryInfo") -- Check if InventoryInfo exists and has PetLimit if inventoryInfo and inventoryInfo:FindFirstChild("PetLimit") then -- Set PetLimit to 1000000 inventoryInfo.PetLimit.Value = 1000000 print("Changed PetLimit to 1000000") else warn("InventoryInfo or PetLimit not found.") end else warn("Player or PlayerData not found.") end end) -- Create a button to demonstrate functionality UI:CreateButton(Tab1, "Inf Storage Size", function() -- Assuming you have access to game and game.Players.LocalPlayer local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- Check if PlayerData exists if player.PlayerData then -- Find InventoryInfo under PlayerData local inventoryInfo = player.PlayerData:FindFirstChild("InventoryInfo") -- Check if InventoryInfo exists and has StorageSize if inventoryInfo and inventoryInfo:FindFirstChild("StorageSize") then -- Set StorageSize to 1000000 inventoryInfo.StorageSize.Value = 1000000 print("Changed StorageSize to 1000000") else warn("InventoryInfo or StorageSize not found.") end else warn("PlayerData not found!") end end) -- Create a toggle switch UI:CreateToggle(Tab1, "Spawn Gems (OP)", function(enabled) getgenv().Gems = enabled while getgenv().Gems == true do game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("PlaytimeRewards"):FireServer(7) game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait(); end end) -- Create a toggle switch UI:CreateToggle(Tab1, "Auto Rebirth", function(enabled) getgenv().Rebirth = enabled while getgenv().Rebirth == true do game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("RebirthPlayer"):FireServer() game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait(); end end) -- Create a button to demonstrate functionality UI:CreateButton(Tab1, "Claim Quest for without waiting", function() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- Check if PlayerData exists if player.PlayerData then local questData = player.PlayerData:FindFirstChild("QuestData") -- Check if QuestData exists and has CanClaim if questData and questData:FindFirstChild("CanClaim") then questData.CanClaim.Value = true print("Changed CanClaim to true") else warn("QuestData or CanClaim not found.") end else warn("PlayerData not found!") end end)