Sunken Oaklands Script
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Script Code
--> Macros if not LPH_OBFUSCATED then LPH_JIT_MAX = function(...) return ... end end --> Variables local Services = setmetatable( {}, { __index = function(self, index) return game:GetService(index) end } ) local KiriotESP = loadstring(game:HttpGet("")) local Version = "v1.2.1" local Title = "oaklands - sunken " .. Version local ReplicatedFirst = Services.ReplicatedFirst local Client = require(ReplicatedFirst.Client) local GameShared = require(ReplicatedFirst.Client.Interface.Shared) local Modules = rawget(GameShared, "Modules") local Changelog = require(Modules.Changelog) local GetVersion = function() local count = 0 local v6 = nil for i, v in next, Changelog.versions do if v.Id > count then count = v.Id v6 = i end end return "v" .. v6 end local Outdated = GetVersion():gsub("%p+", "") > Version:gsub("%p+", "") and ("bad") or ("good") local Players = Services.Players local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local Character = Player.Character local module = require(game.ReplicatedFirst.Client) local tutorial = module.ActiveModules.Tutorial local invTable = nil local Colours = { Magnetite ="Bright violet"), ["Rosa Quartz"] ="Carnation pink"), Mythril ="Med. bluish green"), Gold ="Br. yellowish orange"), Iron ="Dark grey"), Pyrite ="Flame yellowish orange"), Quartz ="Institutional white"), Tin ="Light stone grey"), Copper ="Flame reddish orange") } local Areas = { ["Oak Depot"] =, 82, 1677), ["Oak Depot Sell"] =, 83, 1790), ["Lighthouse"] =, 118, 1958), ["Dock"] =, 79, 1509), ["Island"] =, 76, 1233), ["Crossway"] =, 107, 1465), ["Junkyard"] =, 133, 2010), ["Mountains"] =, 419, 865), ["Abandoned Shelter"] =, 330, 561), ["Beach Hut"] =, 113, 163), ["Lake"] =, 132, 455) } local function Init() do for i, v in next, getconnections(game:GetService("LogService").MessageOut) do v:Disable() shared.FoundMessageOutLogger = true end for i, v in next, getconnections(game:GetService("ScriptContext").Error) do v:Disable() shared.FoundErrorLogger = true end if shared.FoundMessageOutLogger then local old old = hookfunction( print, newcclosure( function(...) return old(("[SW] Debug: %s:%s:%s > "):format("%H"),"%M"),"%S")), ...) end ) ) print("Debugging Below") for i, v in next, shared do print(i, v) end end end end local function CheckProcess() local Success, Output = pcall(Init) if not Success then if type(messagebox) == "function" then writefile("Oaklands/ErrorLogs/" .. os.time(), Output) local Answer = messagebox( string.format( "Something has gone wrong when bypassing anti-cheat\n\nThis may put you at risk\n\nError has been written to executor path: workspace/Oaklands/ErrorLogs/%s", os.time() ), "sunken anti cheat bypassing", 1570 ) if Answer == 3 then game:Shutdown() elseif Answer == 4 then CheckProcess() elseif Answer == 5 then shared.LoadScript = true end else game:Shutdown() end else shared.LoadScript = true end end CheckProcess() repeat task.wait() until shared.LoadScript == true print("Loading Main Script") if Outdated == "bad" then local Answer = messagebox( "The script is currently outdated, this may put you at risk, would you like to continue?", "sunken version checker", 4 ) if Answer == 7 then game:Shutdown() end end if not (Services.StarterGui:GetCoreGuiEnabled("PlayerList")) then local Text ="Text") Text.Position = (workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X / 2) - 125, workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y / 2 - (Services.GuiService:GetGuiInset().Y / 2) ) Text.Text = "Waiting for you to have a plot" Text.Outline = true Text.Font = 1 Text.Size = 28 Text.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) Text.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 3 / 3, 1, 1) Text.Visible = true print(Text.Text) repeat task.wait() Text.Position = (workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X / 2) - 125, workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y / 2 - (Services.GuiService:GetGuiInset().Y / 2) ) Text.OutlineColor = Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 3 / 3, 1, 1) until Services.StarterGui:GetCoreGuiEnabled("PlayerList") Text.Text = "Loading" task.wait(0.5) Text:Remove() end local function closestTree() return (tutorial:ClosestModel(tutorial.Player.Character:GetPivot().Position, tutorial:GetTreesInRadius())) end --> Minified Functions ( Neater Looking Code ) local function Teleport(Pos) if Player.Character.Humanoid.Sit == true then Pos = Pos +, 40, 0) end Player.Character:PivotTo(typeof(Pos) == "CFrame" and Pos or end local Hooks = {} do function Hooks.HookingLighting() if shared.HookedLighting == true then return end shared.HookedLighting = true local old old = hookmetamethod( game, "__newindex", newcclosure( function(self, index, value) if tostring(self) == "Lighting" and shared.FullBright then if index == "ClockTime" then value = 12 end end return old(self, index, value) end ) ) end function Hooks.HookingHumanoid() if shared.HookedHumanoid == true then return end shared.HookedHumanoid = true local old old = hookmetamethod( game, "__index", newcclosure( function(self, index) if tostring(self) == "WalkSpeed" or tostring(self) == "JumpPower" then return tostring(self) == "WalkSpeed" and 16 or 50 end return old(self, index) end ) ) end end print("Loading Hooks") for i, v in next, Hooks do local Success, Output = pcall(v) print("Hooked ", i, Success) end local Util = {} print("Loading Util") do function Util.GetVehicle() for i, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").World.Structures:GetChildren() do if v.Name:find("VehiclePad") then local Owner = v:FindFirstChild("Owner") if Owner and Owner.Value == Player then local Vehicle = v:FindFirstChild("RiggedVehicle") if Vehicle then return Vehicle end end end end end function Util.ModVehicleSpeed(Speed) local Vehicle = Util.GetVehicle() local VFramework = Vehicle:FindFirstChild("Framework") if VFramework then local Seats = VFramework:FindFirstChild("Seats") if Seats then local DriverSeat = Seats:FindFirstChild("VehicleSeat") if DriverSeat then DriverSeat.MaxSpeed = Speed end end end end function Util.CleanVehicle() local Vehicle = Util.GetVehicle() if Vehicle then for i, v in next, Vehicle:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.Material == Enum.Material.CorrodedMetal then v.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic end end end end end function Util.ColourVehicle(Colour) local Vehicle = Util.GetVehicle() if Vehicle then local Wheels = Vehicle:FindFirstChild("Wheels") local Headlights = Vehicle:FindFirstChild("Framework"):FindFirstChild("Headlights") for i, v in next, Vehicle:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("BasePart") and not v:IsDescendantOf(Wheels) and not v:IsDescendantOf(Headlights) then v.Color = Colour end end end end function Util.GetIndexFromValue(self, value) for i, v in next, self do if v == value then return i end end end function Util.GetPlot() for i, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").World.Property:GetChildren() do local Owner = v:FindFirstChild("Owner") if Owner then if Owner.Value == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer then return v end end end end function Util.GetClosestTree() local tree, dist = nil, math.huge for i, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").World.TreeRegions.Island:GetChildren() do if v:IsA("Model") then if v:FindFirstChild("HeptagonPart") then local mag = game.Players.LocalPlayer:DistanceFromCharacter(v:GetPivot().Position) if mag < dist then dist = mag tree = v end end end end return tree end function Util.GetOwnedTrees() local trees = {} for i, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").World.LooseItems:GetChildren() do if v:FindFirstChild("Owner") and tostring(v.Owner.Value) == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name and v.Name == "Tree" then if v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart") then table.insert(trees, v) end end end return trees end function Util.GetOwnedOres() local ores = {} for i, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").World.LooseItems:GetChildren() do if v:FindFirstChild("Owner") and tostring(v.Owner.Value) == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name and v.Name == "Rock" then if v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart") then table.insert(ores, v) end end end return ores end function Util.GetLowestTreePart(parts) local foot = Character.RightFoot.Position local closest, dist = nil, math.huge for i, v in next, parts do if not v:IsA("BasePart") then continue end local mag = (foot - v.Position).Magnitude if mag < dist then dist = mag closest = v end end return closest end function Util.GetClosestLog() local log, dist = nil, math.huge for i, v in next, Util.GetOwnedTrees() do local mag = Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v:GetPivot().Position) if mag < dist then dist = mag log = v end end return log end function Util.KeyPress(keyCode, time) Services.VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, keyCode, false, game) task.wait(time) Services.VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(false, keyCode, false, game) end function Util.GetPlayerByName(Name) for i, v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if v ~= Player then if v.Name:lower():find(Name:lower()) or v.DisplayName:lower():find(Name:lower()) then return v end end end end function Util.TeleportToPlayer(Player) Teleport(Player.Character and Player.Character:GetPivot()) end function Util.GetOres() local ores = {} for i, v in next, Services.Workspace.World.RockRegions.Island:GetChildren() do if v:GetAttribute("Mineable") == true then table.insert(ores, v) end end return ores end function Util.GetClosestOre() local ores = Util.GetOres() local ore, dist = nil, math.huge for i, v in next, ores do local mag = Player:DistanceFromCharacter(v:GetPivot().Position) if mag < dist then dist = mag ore = v end end return ore end function Util.GetPlayersPlot(Name) for i, v in next, Services.Workspace.World.Property:GetDescendants() do if v.Name == "Owner" and v.Parent.Parent.Name == "Property" then local plotOwner = tostring(v.Value) if plotOwner:lower():find(Name:lower()) then return v.Parent:FindFirstChild("MainRegion") end end end end end local Actions = {} print("Loading Action") do function Actions.GoToLog() local log = Util.GetClosestLog() Teleport(log:GetPivot()) end function Actions.GoToOre() local ores = Util.GetOwnedOres() local ore, dist = nil, math.huge for i, v in next, ores do local primary = v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("BasePart") local mag = Player:DistanceFromCharacter(primary.Position) if mag < dist then dist = mag ore = v end end Teleport(ore:GetPivot()) end function Actions.BringLogs() local trees = Util.GetOwnedTrees() for i, v in next, trees do Teleport(Character:GetPivot() +, 10, 5)) end end function Actions.GoToPlot() local Plot = Util.GetPlot() local Main = Plot:FindFirstChild("MainRegion") local Offset =, 15, 0) Teleport(Main:GetPivot() + Offset) end function Actions.GoToSell() local Offset =, 15, 0) Teleport(, 135, 1920) + Offset) end function Actions.GoToMap() local Offset =, 15, 0) Teleport(Services.Workspace.World.SpawnLocation:GetPivot() + Offset) end function Actions.InfiniteStamina() rawset(Client:RequestModule("Stamina"), "CurrentStamina", 9e9) end function Actions.BypassBlacklists() for i, v in next, Services.Workspace.World.Property:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("Part") then if Color3.fromRGB(255, 64, 64) == v.Color then v:Destroy() end end end end end print("Loading ESP") KiriotESP = KiriotESP() KiriotESP.Color = Color3.fromRGB(170, 0, 248) local Functions = {} function Functions.BreakTree() if invTable == nil then for _, v in next, getgc(true) do if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "Inventory") then invTable = v break end end end if invTable then local tree = closestTree() local Inventory = rawget(invTable, "Inventory") if tree and Inventory then Inventory:InformServer("SwingStartAttempt", {}) task.wait(.5) local args = {} local lowestPart = nil local lowestY = math.huge for _, v in next, tree:GetDescendants() do if v:IsA("MeshPart") and v.Position.Y < lowestY then lowestPart = v lowestY = v.Position.Y end end args.HitPart = lowestPart args.HitPosition = lowestPart.Position Inventory:InformServer("AttemptChop", args) end end end function Functions.BreakLog() if invTable == nil then for _, v in next, getgc(true) do if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "Inventory") then invTable = v break end end end if invTable then local tree = Util.GetClosestLog() local Inventory = rawget(invTable, "Inventory") if tree and Inventory then Inventory:InformServer("SwingStartAttempt", {}) task.wait(.5) local args = {} local lowestPart = Util.GetLowestTreePart(tree:GetChildren()) args.HitPart = lowestPart args.HitPosition = lowestPart.Position Inventory:InformServer("AttemptChop", args) end end end function Functions.BreakOre() if invTable == nil then for _, v in next, getgc(true) do if type(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "Inventory") then invTable = v break end end end if invTable then local ore = Util.GetClosestOre() local Inventory = rawget(invTable, "Inventory") if ore and Inventory then Inventory:InformServer("SwingStartAttempt", {}) task.wait(.5) local args = {} local lowestPart = Util.GetLowestTreePart(ore:GetChildren()) args.HitPart = lowestPart args.HitPosition = lowestPart.Position Inventory:InformServer("AttemptMine", args) end end end print("Loading Functions") local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() print("Loading User Interface") local main = library:Load { Name = Title .. " | script status: " .. Outdated, SizeX = 550, SizeY = 600, Theme = "Midnight", Extension = "oaktree", Folder = "oaklands" } task.spawn( function() while task.wait(0.001) do library:ChangeThemeOption("Accent", Color3.fromHSV(tick() % 3 / 3, 1, 1)) end end ) local home = main:Tab("home") local changelogs = home:Section { Name = "changelogs", Side = "Left" } changelogs:Label( [[ re-wrote esp lags when turn on but dont lag after blame luraph!! omg!! Lurpah! use configs to get around this ^ rainbow epic gamer mode ]] ) changelogs:Label("") changelogs:Label("") changelogs:Label("") local tab = main:Tab("main") local trees = tab:Section { Name = "trees", Side = "Left" } local rocks = tab:Section { Name = "ores", Side = "Left" } local misc = tab:Section { Name = "misc", Side = "Left" } local teleports = tab:Section { Name = "teleports", Side = "Right" } local player = tab:Section { Name = "player", Side = "Right" } local vehicle = tab:Section { Name = "vehicle", Side = "Left" } trees:Toggle { Name = "tree aura", Flag = "tree aura", Callback = function(bool) shared.tree_aura = bool while shared.tree_aura do if not shared.tree_aura then break end Functions.BreakTree() task.wait(0.05) end end } trees:Toggle { Name = "log aura", Flag = "log aura", Callback = function(bool) shared.log_aura = bool while shared.log_aura do if not shared.log_aura then break end Functions.BreakLog() task.wait(0.05) end end } rocks:Toggle { Name = "ore aura", Flag = "ore aura", Callback = function(bool) shared.ore_aura = bool while shared.ore_aura do if not shared.ore_aura then break end Functions.BreakOre() task.wait(0.05) end end } misc:Toggle { Name = "full bright", Flag = "full bright", Callback = function(x) shared.FullBright = x end } misc:Toggle { Name = "sprint", Flag = "sprint", Callback = function(x) Util.KeyPress("LeftShift", x == true and 9e9 or 0) end } misc:Toggle { Name = "ctrl + click to tp", Flag = "click to tp", Callback = function() end } for i, v in pairs(Areas) do teleports:Button { Name = i:lower(), Callback = function() Teleport( end } end teleports:Button { Name = "plot", Callback = function() Teleport(Util.GetPlot():FindFirstChild("MainRegion"):GetPivot()) end } teleports:Button { Name = "nearest owned log", Callback = function() Actions.GoToLog() end } teleports:Button { Name = "nearest owned ore", Callback = function() Actions.GoToOre() end } player:Slider { Name = "walkspeed", Flag = "walkspeed", Text = "[value]/24", Default = 16, Min = 16, Max = 24, Float = 1, Callback = function(value) end } vehicle:Button { Name = "clean car", Callback = Util.CleanVehicle } vehicle:Slider { Name = "max speed", Flag = "max speed", Text = "[value]/250", Default = 50, Min = 50, Max = 250, Float = 1, Callback = function(value) end } vehicle:Button { Name = "assign vehicle speed", Callback = function() Util.ModVehicleSpeed(library.flags["max speed"]) end } vehicle:ColorPicker { Name = "vehicle colour", Default = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Flag = "vehicle colour", Callback = function(color) end } vehicle:Button { Name = "assign vehicle colour", Callback = function() Util.ColourVehicle(library.flags["vehicle colour"]) end } vehicle:Box { Name = "license plate text", Placeholder = "Soggyware", Flag = "license_plate_text", Callback = function(text) end } vehicle:Button { Name = "assign license plate", Callback = function() local Vehicle = Util.GetVehicle() if Vehicle then local Framework = Vehicle:FindFirstChild("Framework") if Framework then local License = Framework:FindFirstChild("LicensePlate") if License then local Container = License:FindFirstChild("SurfaceGui") if Container then local LICENSE = Container:FindFirstChild("LICENSE") LICENSE.Text = library.flags.license_plate_text for i, v in next, Container:GetChildren() do if v.Name == "TextLabel" then if v.Text == "OAKLANDS" or v.Text == "On Top" then v.Text = "On Top" else v.Text = "Soggyware" end end end end end end end end } local esptab = main:Tab("esp") local esps = esptab:Section { Name = "esp", Side = "Left" } local oreespopts = esptab:Section { Name = "ore esp options", Side = "Right" } esps:Toggle { Name = "toggle", Flag = "toggle", Callback = function(x) KiriotESP:Toggle(x) end } esps:Toggle { Name = "boxes", Flag = "boxes", Callback = function(x) KiriotESP.Boxes = (x) end } esps:Toggle { Name = "names", Flag = "names", Callback = function(x) KiriotESP.Names = (x) end } esps:Toggle { Name = "players", Flag = "players", Callback = function(x) KiriotESP.Players = (x) end } esps:Toggle { Name = "ores", Flag = "ores", Callback = function(x) KiriotESP.Ores = (x) end } local InsertedOres = {} local function UpdateESP(v, x, name) LPH_JIT_MAX( function() if v:IsA("Model") and x == "Add" then for i2, v2 in next, v:GetDescendants() do if v2:IsA("BasePart") then if v2.Name ~= "Section" then if v:GetAttribute("Mineable") then local NewName = Util.GetIndexFromValue(Colours, v2.BrickColor) if NewName ~= nil then if not table.find(InsertedOres, v) then if library.flags[NewName] == true then table.insert(InsertedOres, v) KiriotESP:Add( v2, { Name = NewName or "Unknown Ore", IsEnabled = "Ores", Color = v2.Color } ) elseif library.flags[NewName] == false then local idx = table.find(InsertedOres, v) table.remove(InsertedOres, idx) if KiriotESP.Objects then local NewName = Util.GetIndexFromValue(Colours, v2.BrickColor) if NewName ~= nil then for i3, v3 in next, KiriotESP.Objects do if v3.Name == NewName then v3:Remove() end end end end end end end end end end end elseif x == "Remove" and v:IsA("Model") then for i2, v2 in next, v:GetDescendants() do if v2:IsA("BasePart") then if v2.Name ~= "Section" then if v:GetAttribute("Mineable") then local idx = table.find(InsertedOres, v) table.remove(InsertedOres, idx) if KiriotESP.Objects then if name ~= nil then for i3, v3 in next, KiriotESP.Objects do if v3.Name == name then v3:Remove() end end end end end end end end end end )() end local function ForceUpdateESP(x, name) for i, v in next, game:GetService("Workspace").World.RockRegions:GetDescendants() do LPH_JIT_MAX( function() UpdateESP(v, x == true and "Add" or "Remove", name) end )() end end game:GetService("Workspace").World.RockRegions.DescendantAdded:Connect( LPH_JIT_MAX( function(v) UpdateESP(v, "Add") end ) ) game:GetService("Workspace").World.RockRegions.DescendantRemoving:Connect( LPH_JIT_MAX( function(v) UpdateESP(v, "Remove") end ) ) for i, v in next, Colours do oreespopts:Toggle { Name = i:lower(), Flag = i, Callback = function(x) LPH_JIT_MAX( function() ForceUpdateESP(x, i) end )() end } end task.spawn( function() while task.wait(0.1) do Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = library.flags.walkspeed end end ) game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect( function(x) pcall( function() Character = Player.Character end ) if x.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 and library.flags["click to tp"] and game:GetService("UserInputService"):IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then local pos = Player:GetMouse().Hit Teleport(pos) end end ) local configs = main:Tab("configuration") local themes = configs:Section {Name = "Theme", Side = "Left"} local themepickers = {} local themelist = themes:Dropdown { Name = "Theme", Default = library.currenttheme, Content = library:GetThemes(), Flag = "Theme Dropdown", Callback = function(option) if option then library:SetTheme(option:lower()) for option, picker in next, themepickers do picker:Set(library.theme[option]) end end end } library:ConfigIgnore("Theme Dropdown") local namebox = themes:Box {Name = "Custom Theme Name", Placeholder = "Custom Theme", Flag = "Custom Theme"} library:ConfigIgnore("Custom Theme") themes:Button {Name = "Save Custom Theme", Callback = function() if library:SaveCustomTheme(library.flags["Custom Theme"]) then themelist:Refresh(library:GetThemes()) themelist:Set(library.flags["Custom Theme"]) namebox:Set("") end end} local customtheme = configs:Section {Name = "Custom Theme", Side = "Right"} themepickers["Accent"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Accent", Default = library.theme["Accent"], Flag = "Accent", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Accent", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Accent") themepickers["Window Background"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Window Background", Default = library.theme["Window Background"], Flag = "Window Background", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Window Background", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Window Background") themepickers["Window Border"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Window Border", Default = library.theme["Window Border"], Flag = "Window Border", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Window Border", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Window Border") themepickers["Tab Background"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Tab Background", Default = library.theme["Tab Background"], Flag = "Tab Background", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Tab Background", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Tab Background") themepickers["Tab Border"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Tab Border", Default = library.theme["Tab Border"], Flag = "Tab Border", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Tab Border", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Tab Border") themepickers["Tab Toggle Background"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Tab Toggle Background", Default = library.theme["Tab Toggle Background"], Flag = "Tab Toggle Background", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Tab Toggle Background", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Tab Toggle Background") themepickers["Section Background"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Section Background", Default = library.theme["Section Background"], Flag = "Section Background", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Section Background", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Section Background") themepickers["Section Border"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Section Border", Default = library.theme["Section Border"], Flag = "Section Border", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Section Border", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Section Border") themepickers["Text"] = customtheme:ColorPicker {Name = "Text", Default = library.theme["Text"], Flag = "Text", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Text", color) end} library:ConfigIgnore("Text") themepickers["Disabled Text"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Disabled Text", Default = library.theme["Disabled Text"], Flag = "Disabled Text", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Disabled Text", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Disabled Text") themepickers["Object Background"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Object Background", Default = library.theme["Object Background"], Flag = "Object Background", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Object Background", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Object Background") themepickers["Object Border"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Object Border", Default = library.theme["Object Border"], Flag = "Object Border", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Object Border", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Object Border") themepickers["Dropdown Option Background"] = customtheme:ColorPicker { Name = "Dropdown Option Background", Default = library.theme["Dropdown Option Background"], Flag = "Dropdown Option Background", Callback = function(color) library:ChangeThemeOption("Dropdown Option Background", color) end } library:ConfigIgnore("Dropdown Option Background") local configsection = configs:Section {Name = "Configs", Side = "Left"} local configlist = configsection:Dropdown {Name = "Configs", Content = library:GetConfigs(), Flag = "Config Dropdown"} library:ConfigIgnore("Config Dropdown") local loadconfig = configsection:Button {Name = "Load Config", Callback = function() library:LoadConfig(library.flags["Config Dropdown"]) end} local delconfig = configsection:Button {Name = "Delete Config", Callback = function() library:DeleteConfig(library.flags["Config Dropdown"]) end} local configbox = configsection:Box {Name = "Config Name", Placeholder = "Config Name", Flag = "Config Name"} library:ConfigIgnore("Config Name") local save = configsection:Button {Name = "Save Config", Callback = function() library:SaveConfig(library.flags["Config Name"]) configlist:Refresh(library:GetConfigs()) end} local infotab = main:Tab("information") local infotab = infotab:Section {Name = "information", Side = "Left"} infotab:Label("Game Version " .. GetVersion()) infotab:Label("Script Version " .. Version) print("Loaded Script")