Instant Win Stairs of Rage Mobile Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts a popular scripting and programming language.
1.Open Roblox And Start Playing 2.Click The Blue Circle To Copy The Script Code 3.Paste The Script Code Into Your Executor 4.Then Execute The Script Code 5.Enjoy
Script Code
([[This file was protected with MoonSec V3]]):gsub('.+', (function(a) _MfghkABqDiAj = a; end)); return(function(o,...)local f;local s;local t;local a;local r;local d;local e=24915;local n=0;local l={};while n<532 do n=n+1;while n<0x1c7 and e%0x13fe<0x9ff do n=n+1 e=(e*458)%13877 local c=n+e if(e%0xdcc)>0x6e6 then e=(e-0x13b)%0x9546 while n<0x291 and e%0x4dae<0x26d7 do n=n+1 e=(e-82)%29414 local d=n+e if(e%0x2988)>0x14c4 then e=(e*0x1f)%0xa50b local e=9833 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 t=getfenv and getfenv();end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e-0x37b)%0x5f7b local e=3753 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 a=string;end else e=(e*0x2c1)%0x19c5 n=n+1 local e=54900 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 f={};end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0xb7)%0x2b09 while n<0x1b3 and e%0x2812<0x1409 do n=n+1 e=(e*992)%31038 local r=n+e if(e%0xbe6)<=0x5f3 then e=(e*0x31d)%0x57f6 local e=5628 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 d=function(l)local e=0x01 local function n(n)e=e+n return l:sub(e-n,e-0x01)end while true do local l=n(0x01)if(l=="\5")then break end local e=a.byte(n(0x01))local e=n(e)if l=="\2"then e=f.bGoXSfcd(e)elseif l=="\3"then e=e~="\0"elseif l=="\6"then t[e]=function(n,e)return o(8,nil,o,e,n)end elseif l=="\4"then e=t[e]elseif l=="\0"then e=t[e][n(a.byte(n(0x01)))];end local n=n(0x08)f[n]=e end end end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e*0x1ae)%0xb778 local e=41932 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 end else e=(e-0x340)%0x2047 n=n+1 local e=25642 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 end end end else e=(e+0x39e)%0x5bc4 n=n+1 while n<0x18b and e%0x4c1a<0x260d do n=n+1 e=(e-209)%9227 local d=n+e if(e%0x2d9c)>0x16ce then e=(e-0x267)%0x7833 local e=13859 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 r="\4\8\116\111\110\117\109\98\101\114\98\71\111\88\83\102\99\100\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\99\104\97\114\109\109\120\82\75\98\81\115\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\3\115\117\98\69\105\81\108\118\121\90\89\0\6\115\116\114\105\110\103\4\98\121\116\101\79\95\68\67\68\77\120\77\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\99\111\110\99\97\116\113\108\74\103\99\77\86\83\0\5\116\97\98\108\101\6\105\110\115\101\114\116\100\89\81\73\104\112\117\82\5";end elseif e%2~=0 then e=(e-0x146)%0x7100 local e=6094 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 t=(not t)and _ENV or t;end else e=(e*0x65)%0xa480 n=n+1 local e=48787 if not l[e]then l[e]=0x1 s=tonumber;end end end end end e=(e*639)%37173 end d(r);local e={};for n=0x0,0xff do local l=f.mmxRKbQs(n);e[n]=l;e[l]=n;end local function c(n)return e[n];end local a=(function(r,d)local a,l=0x01,0x10 local n={{},{},{}}local t=-0x01 local e=0x01 local o=r while true do n[0x03][f.EiQlvyZY(d,e,(function()e=a+e return e-0x01 end)())]=(function()t=t+0x01 return t end)()if t==(0x0f)then t=""l=0x000 break end end local t=#d while e271 then return n end d=d+1 l=(l*695)%30875 if(l%544)>272 then return t else return n(n(e,t,n),n(n,e,n and e),t(e,e,e)and e(e,t,t))end return e(n(e,t,e),t(n and n,t,n),e(n,e,n)and e(t,t,n and t))end,function(e,t,n)if d>270 then return n end d=d+1 l=(l*342)%15106 if(l%208)<104 then l=(l+125)%10090 return n else return t(n(e,n,t and e),t(e,t,n and e),e(t,e and t,n))end return n(t(e,e,e)and e(n,e,e and n),n(t,e,e),e(n,t,t))end,function(t,n,e)if d>372 then return e end d=d+1 l=(l+606)%43450 if(l%462)<231 then return t(n(e,t,n and n),e(n,t and n,e),n(t,e,e)and n(e,t and e,t))else return e end return t end)return l;end)())local te=(getfenv)or(function()return _ENV end);local u=f.SulnRhYo or f.b_nTxswH;local _=1;local r=4;local d=3;local t=2;local function ee(g,...)local h=a(e,"mgP3+ w:C7ayTVns P+3ng+zAs+nCnPVcT yCyCai7CaC:T:Xw+ n+T+g3+PT3Tgh.+sCs3ncV TCyTTaa+7CCTCg:+wC TwP+n3CPTPbgn e then a=o(6,91,1,33,j);k=o(6,68,2,4,j);else if e>-2 then for n=42,66 do if e~=1 then l=-41;s=-1;break;end;m=o(6,12,3,18,j);b=de ne=0;break;end;else l=-41;s=-1;end end else if e<=4 then if 2 e then ee={};z={...};break;end;p=f.hclJLnUs('#',...)-1;h={};break;end;else p=f.hclJLnUs('#',...)-1;h={};end else if e~=1 then repeat if 5~=e then e=-2;break;end;n=o(7);until true;else n=o(7);end end end e=e+1;end;for e=0,p do if(e>=m)then ee[e-m]=z[e+1];else n[e]=z[e+1];end;end;local e=p-m+1 local e;local o;local function m(...)while true do end end while true do if l<-40 then l=l+42 end e=a[l];o=e[_];if o<=21 then if o<=10 then if o<5 then if 2>o then if o~=-2 then for l=28,57 do if 1>o then n[e[t]]=c[e[d]];break;end;c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];break;end;else n[e[t]]=c[e[d]];end else if 3>o then n[e[t]]=n[e[d]];else if 4>o then do return end;else local o,r,c,f,a;local l=0;while l>-1 do if l<=2 then if l<=0 then o=e;else if l>1 then c=d;else r=t;end end else if 5<=l then if 4~=l then repeat if l>5 then l=-2;break;end;n(a,f);until true;else n(a,f);end else if l>-1 then repeat if l~=3 then a=o[r];break;end;f=o[c];until true;else a=o[r];end end end l=l+1 end end end end else if o>=8 then if 8>=o then if(n[e[t]]==e[r])then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;else if o~=8 then repeat if 9~=o then n[e[t]]=c[e[d]];break;end;if n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;until true;else if n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;end end else if o<=5 then if not n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;else if 5<=o then for f=11,69 do if o~=6 then local o,k,y,g,f;for h=0,5 do if 2>=h then if 0 2 then for d=35,61 do if 5>h then o=e[t]y,g=b(n[o](n[o+1]))s=g+o-1 f=0;for e=o,s do f=f+1;n[e]=y[f];end;l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;o=e[t]n[o](u(n,o+1,s))break;end;else o=e[t]y,g=b(n[o](n[o+1]))s=g+o-1 f=0;for e=o,s do f=f+1;n[e]=y[f];end;l=l+1;e=a[l];end end end end break;end;local e=e[t]local t,l=b(n[e](n[e+1]))s=l+e-1 local l=0;for e=e,s do l=l+1;n[e]=t[l];end;break;end;else local e=e[t]local t,l=b(n[e](n[e+1]))s=l+e-1 local l=0;for e=e,s do l=l+1;n[e]=t[l];end;end end end end else if o>15 then if o<=18 then if 16>=o then local e=e[t]local t,l=b(n[e](n[e+1]))s=l+e-1 local l=0;for e=e,s do l=l+1;n[e]=t[l];end;else if o>=15 then repeat if 18~=o then local l=e[t]n[l]=n[l](u(n,l+1,e[d]))break;end;local u=k[e[d]];local s;local o={};s=f.LmkzcnUI({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(l,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for t=1,e[r]do l=l+1;local e=a[l];if e[_]==2 then o[t-1]={n,e[d]};else o[t-1]={g,e[d]};end;h[#h+1]=o;end;n[e[t]]=y(u,s,c);until true;else local u=k[e[d]];local s;local o={};s=f.LmkzcnUI({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(l,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for t=1,e[r]do l=l+1;local e=a[l];if e[_]==2 then o[t-1]={n,e[d]};else o[t-1]={g,e[d]};end;h[#h+1]=o;end;n[e[t]]=y(u,s,c);end end else if o<=19 then local e=e[t]n[e](u(n,e+1,s))else if o~=19 then repeat if 20~=o then local e=e[t]n[e](u(n,e+1,s))break;end;c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];until true;else c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];end end end else if 12 -1 do if 3>=l then if 2>l then if 0 =l then if l>=3 then for e=42,81 do if l>4 then s=a[c];break;end;r=o[a[f]];break;end;else r=o[a[f]];end else if l~=7 then n[s]=r;else l=-2;end end end l=l+1 end end else if o>=9 then for a=27,97 do if o>11 then if n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;break;end;local t=e[t];local l=n[e[d]];n[t+1]=l;n[t]=l[e[r]];break;end;else local l=e[t];local t=n[e[d]];n[l+1]=t;n[l]=t[e[r]];end end end end else if o<=32 then if o<=26 then if 24>o then if 22~=o then local d;d=e[t]n[d](n[d+1])l=l+1;e=a[l];do return end;else for o=0,3 do if 2>o then if-1 =o then if o<=27 then l=e[d];else if o~=26 then repeat if 29~=o then for o=0,3 do if 2>o then if o~=-2 then repeat if 0~=o then c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);l=l+1;e=a[l];until true;else n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);l=l+1;e=a[l];end else if 1 o then if o~=-2 then repeat if 0~=o then c[e[d]]=n[e[t]];l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);l=l+1;e=a[l];until true;else n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);l=l+1;e=a[l];end else if 1 o then n[e[t]]=n[e[d]][e[r]];else if o>=30 then repeat if 32~=o then local o,f;for c=0,1 do if 1==c then o=e[t]n[o]=n[o](n[o+1])else o=e[t];f=n[e[d]];n[o+1]=f;n[o]=f[e[r]];l=l+1;e=a[l];end end break;end;l=e[d];until true;else local o,f;for c=0,1 do if 1==c then o=e[t]n[o]=n[o](n[o+1])else o=e[t];f=n[e[d]];n[o+1]=f;n[o]=f[e[r]];l=l+1;e=a[l];end end end end end end else if 38>o then if o<=34 then if 32~=o then for a=23,61 do if o>33 then if not n[e[t]]then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;break;end;local e=e[t]n[e](n[e+1])break;end;else local e=e[t]n[e](n[e+1])end else if o>=36 then if o~=36 then local e=e[t]n[e](n[e+1])else if(n[e[t]]==e[r])then l=l+1;else l=e[d];end;end else local f;for o=0,6 do if 3<=o then if o<=4 then if-1 =o then n[e[t]]=c[e[d]];l=l+1;e=a[l];else if-3~=o then for f=43,97 do if o>1 then n(e[t],e[d]);l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;n[e[t]]=n[e[d]][e[r]];l=l+1;e=a[l];break;end;else n[e[t]]=n[e[d]][e[r]];l=l+1;e=a[l];end end end end end end else if o>=41 then if o<42 then n(e[t],e[d]);else if 38 o then local e=e[t]n[e]=n[e](n[e+1])break;end;n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);until true;else n[e[t]]=(e[d]~=0);end end else if 39>o then local t=e[t];local l=n[e[d]];n[t+1]=l;n[t]=l[e[r]];else if o>=36 then repeat if o<40 then local u=k[e[d]];local s;local o={};s=f.LmkzcnUI({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(l,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for t=1,e[r]do l=l+1;local e=a[l];if e[_]==2 then o[t-1]={n,e[d]};else o[t-1]={g,e[d]};end;h[#h+1]=o;end;n[e[t]]=y(u,s,c);break;end;n[e[t]]=g[e[d]];until true;else local u=k[e[d]];local s;local o={};s=f.LmkzcnUI({},{__index=function(n,e)local e=o[e];return e[1][e[2]];end,__newindex=function(l,e,n)local e=o[e]e[1][e[2]]=n;end;});for t=1,e[r]do l=l+1;local e=a[l];if e[_]==2 then o[t-1]={n,e[d]};else o[t-1]={g,e[d]};end;h[#h+1]=o;end;n[e[t]]=y(u,s,c);end end end end end end l=1+l;end;end;return ne end;local d=0xff;local r={};local o=(1);local t='';(function(n)local l=n local a=0x00 local e=0x00 l={(function(t)if a>0x29 then return t end a=a+1 e=(e+0xf56-t)%0x2b return(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0xdc);end return true end)'KOgzS'and l[0x3](0x277+t))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0xb0);end return true end)'pRzoh'and l[0x1](t+0x3ae))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x62);end return true end)'zinIg'and l[0x2](t+0x91))or t end),(function(f)if a>0x23 then return f end a=a+1 e=(e+0xca8-f)%0x27 return(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x75);end return true end)'jEOFo'and l[0x2](0x80+f))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x5e);d[2]=(d[2]*(le(function()r()end,u(t))-le(d[1],u(t))))+1;r[o]={};d=d[2];o=o+d;end return true end)'HYTlB'and l[0x3](f+0x15a))or(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0xe0);end return true end)'gvjwV'and l[0x1](f+0x33b))or f end),(function(f)if a>0x2e then return f end a=a+1 e=(e+0x1052-f)%0x25 return(e%0x03==0x2 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x98);r[o]=te();o=o+d;end return true end)'hseFq'and l[0x1](0x9d+f))or(e%0x03==0x1 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x89);t={t..'\58 a',t};r[o]=ne();o=o+(1);t[1]='\58'..t[1];d[2]=0xff;end return true end)'wuaCo'and l[0x2](f+0xe2))or(e%0x03==0x0 and(function(l)if not n[l]then e=e+0x01 n[l]=(0x6b);t='\37';d={function()d()end};t=t..'\100\43';end return true end)'Tljg_'and l[0x3](f+0x266))or f end)}l[0x3](0x815)end){};local e=y(u(r));return e(...);end return ee((function()local n={}local e=0x01;local l;if f.sKsQGdAT then l=f.sKsQGdAT(ee)else l=''end if f.ocAOLdPB(l,f.cIqubOPb)then e=e+0;else e=e+1;end n[e]=0x02;n[n[e]+0x01]=0x03;return n;end)(),...)end)((function(n,e,l,t,d,o)local o;if 4>n then if 2>n then if n>=-4 then repeat if n>0 then do return function(l,e,n)if n then local e=(l/2^(e-1))%2^((n-1)-(e-1)+1);return e-e%1;else local e=2^(e-1);return(l%(e+e)>=e)and 1 or 0;end;end;end;break;end;do return e(1),e(4,d,t,l,e),e(5,d,t,l)end;until true;else do return function(l,e,n)if n then local e=(l/2^(e-1))%2^((n-1)-(e-1)+1);return e-e%1;else local e=2^(e-1);return(l%(e+e)>=e)and 1 or 0;end;end;end;end else if n>-2 then repeat if n<3 then do return 16777216,65536,256 end;break;end;do return e(1),e(4,d,t,l,e),e(5,d,t,l)end;until true;else do return e(1),e(4,d,t,l,e),e(5,d,t,l)end;end end else if 6<=n then if n>6 then if n<8 then do return setmetatable({},{['__\99\97\108\108']=function(e,d,l,t,n)if n then return e[n]elseif t then return e else e[d]=l end end})end else do return l(n,nil,l);end end else do return d[l]end;end else if n~=2 then for o=45,56 do if 5~=n then local n=t;local d,f,o=d(2);do return function()local a,t,e,l=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n)+3);n(4);return(l*d)+(e*f)+(t*o)+a;end;end;break;end;local n=t;do return function()local e=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n));n(1);return e;end;end;break;end;else local n=t;do return function()local e=e(l,n(n,n),n(n,n));n(1);return e;end;end;end end end end),...)