Kevin Giant Survival Mobile Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts a popular scripting and programming language.
1.Open Roblox And Start Playing 2.Click The Blue Circle To Copy The Script Code 3.Paste The Script Code Into Your Executor 4.Then Execute The Script Code 5.Enjoy
Script Code
-- If you're gonna use any source inside the script please credit me. local DrRayLibrary = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))() local window = DrRayLibrary:Load("😱 Giant Survival! - Free - 🦶", "Default") local tab = DrRayLibrary.newTab("Main", "ImageIdHere") local function reset() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end local Weapons = { "Minigun", "Crossbow", "Slingshot", "Revolver", "Banana Pistol", "Potato Launcher", "Paintball Gun", "SCAR", "Double Barrel Shotgun", "Ray Gun", "Plunger Rifle", "Space Rifle", "SMG", "Sniper", "Black Hole Gun", "Crazy Futuristic Minigun", "Biochemical Blaster", "Lava Pistol", "Golden Pistol", "Fireworks Launcher" } local Gears = { "Gravity Coil", "Speed Coil", "Super Gravity Coil", "Super Speed Coil", "Cash Magnet", "Infinity Coil" } local selectedWeapon = nil local selectedGear = nil tab.newDropdown("Weapons", "Select Desired Weapon", Weapons, function(selected) selectedWeapon = selected end) tab.newButton("Equip Weapon", "Equip Selected Weapon", function() if selectedWeapon then workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.weaponequipped:FireServer({ [1] = selectedWeapon }) reset() else print("No weapon selected") end end) tab.newDropdown("Gears", "Select Desired Gear", Gears, function(selectedg) selectedGear = selectedg end) tab.newButton("Equip Gear", "Equip Selected Gear", function() if selectedGear then workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.gearequipped:FireServer({ [1] = selectedGear }) reset() else print("No gear selected") end end) local fMoney = false local fLevelxMoney = false tab.newToggle("Farm Money", "Toggle", false, function(bool) fMoney = bool while fMoney do task.wait(0.000000000000001) workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.currencycollected:FireServer({}) end end) tab.newToggle("Farm Level-Money", "Toggle", false, function(toggled) fLevelxMoney = toggled local workspace = game:GetService("Workspace") local remote = workspace.__THINGS.__REMOTES.giant_dealdamage local lastPositions = {} local firingGiants = {} for i = 1, 11 do local model = workspace:FindFirstChild("Giant_" .. i) if model and model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then lastPositions[i] = model.HumanoidRootPart.Position end end local function checkMovement() for i = 1, 11 do local model = workspace:FindFirstChild("Giant_" .. i) if model and model:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then local currentPosition = model.HumanoidRootPart.Position if lastPositions[i] and currentPosition ~= lastPositions[i] then lastPositions[i] = currentPosition if not firingGiants[i] then firingGiants[i] = true spawn(function() while firingGiants[i] and fLevelxMoney do local args = { [1] = { [1] = "Giant_" .. i, [2] = 20, [3] = 0 } } remote:FireServer(unpack(args)) task.wait(0.00000000000001) end end) end end end end end while fLevelxMoney do checkMovement() task.wait(1) end end)