Auto Diamonds Bubble Gum Clicker Script
Roblox Scripts is what Roblox players and coders use to build interactive games. To be more specific, players use Lua scripts—a popular scripting and programming language.
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1.Open Roblox And Start Playing 2.Click The Blue Circle To Copy The Script Code 3.Paste The Script Code Into Your Executor 4.Then Execute The Script Code 5.Enjoy
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Script Code
_G.FarmDiamonds = true --set to false to stop farming local FilterOrbs = { --Orbs to Farm "Diamond" } local Worlds = { --Worlds were to Farm "Spawn World", "Atlantis", "Candyland" } --Setting Names for all Invisible Modules for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Nevermore["Client Modules"]:GetChildren()) do v.Name = i end for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Nevermore["Shared Modules"]:GetChildren()) do v.Name = i end --Variables local Client = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Nevermore["Client Modules"]["5"]) Client = getupvalues(Client.Add) local Server = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Nevermore["Shared Modules"]["8"]) local Remotes = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local UseFunc = {} UseFunc.__index = UseFunc --Functions function UseFunc.Teleport(world) --> str set_thread_identity(2) for i,v in pairs(Client) do pcall(function() v.WorldCmds.Load(world) end) --Loading to world end set_thread_identity(8) end function UseFunc.GetCurrentWorld() for i,v in pairs(Client) do return v.WorldCmds.Get() --Returns Current World end end function UseFunc.FoundOrb(name, OrbsList) --> str, {str} local FoundAny = false for i,v in pairs(OrbsList) do if string.lower(name):match(string.lower(v)) then FoundAny = true end end return FoundAny --Returns -> Found name in OrbList end task.spawn(function() while _G.FarmDiamonds do task.wait() function UseFunc.FarmWorld(FilterOrbs, FilterWorlds) --> {str}, {str} for index, WorldName in pairs(FilterWorlds) do if WorldName ~= UseFunc.GetCurrentWorld() then UseFunc.Teleport(WorldName) task.wait(2) end local orbs_data = Server.Invoke("get pickups") for i,v in pairs(orbs_data) do if UseFunc.FoundOrb(v.n, FilterOrbs) and v.a ~= "VIP" then --Continues if found orb and area is not VIP plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = *,2,1) --Teleporting near to Filtred Orb task.wait(.15); --Minimum Waiting local args = {[1] = {[1] = {[1] = tostring(i)},[2] = {[1] = false}}} Remotes:FindFirstChild("collect pickup"):FireServer(unpack(args)) end end task.wait(1) end end UseFunc.FarmWorld(FilterOrbs, Worlds) task.wait(.15) end end)